Please fill out the application below:

2024 Fall Semester (*prices subject to change)

Cost: $749 per semester (online), $1,249 per semester (in-person), $1,549 for Premium access (in-person and online LiveStream access)




Students must pay their first semester of tuition in full by August 1, 2024.


In case of emergency, please list a family member or persons we can contact.


Please list and describe them.
Please list them and medications used for the above conditions and when they were last used.

Worship Emphasis

Character And Integrity

At The Altar School, we value character and integrity and seek to establish a culture that emphasizes the need to walk in a manner worthy of the call upon our lives as ministers. We believe it’s important that those who apply are already walking in a measure of personal holiness before they arrive on campus. We are not a recovery or discipleship school for those who are recently recovering from substance abuse. If you are recently recovering from an immoral lifestyle or do not have a commitment to character and integrity, then we are not the school for you and God has a different assignment for you. If you are in agreement with the expectations above, please continue to fill out the application below. We believe that by you honestly answering these questions, it is mutually beneficial to you and to us in determining whether The Altar School is the right fit for you. NOTE: Answering “yes” to the following questions does NOT automatically disqualify you from being accepted into the school.

Spiritual History

Please explain your experience
Please list the pastor's reference first and last name, and their phone number.

The Altar School And You

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload personal portrait.

Altar School Handbook


**This Handbook has sections that apply to In-Person, Hybrid, Online, and Satellite Campus. Please pay close attention and read ALL sections of the Altar School Handbook**

These policies apply without exception to all Altar School students from the time students receive their acceptance until the time a student graduates or withdraws from the school.

This handbook is for informational purposes and does not establish a contract between The Altar School and the student. While The Altar School endeavors to provide accurate and up-to-date information in this catalog, The Altar School reserves the right to make adjustments and changes to the policies, course offerings, tuition, fees, curricula, or other matters in this catalog, at any time, and without prior notice. Changes that are effective immediately will be announced.

The Altar School provides equal educational opportunity and does not discriminate with respect to race, color, national origin, physical handicap, age, marital status, gender, or status as a disabled veteran.


The Altar School is a one-year intensive program focused on equipping and raising up end time messengers in every sphere of society. We carry a specific mandate from God to prepare His generation of entrepreneurs, ministry leaders, and marketplace workers to be voices of truth unto the return of Christ.

Jeremiah Johnson, Founder and President
Sarah Sutherland, Lead Instructor
Geoff Stafford & Chloie Stafford, Directors
Ethan Ringenbach, Administrative Assistant
Altar School students may direct questions or schedule appointments with administration by contacting: or at 704-209-7085


Refund Policy
Tuition is 100% non refundable on or after the first day of class. Refunds may only be initiated if a student withdraws from school prior to the start of the semester. Deposits are non-refundable.

The student policies contained in this handbook are formulated to uphold the Biblical standards we find in Scripture and ensure that students have the necessary information to successfully complete their training at The Altar School. The life of the student at The Altar School extends far beyond the classroom. Part of the training students receive at The Altar School involves developing the private habits and public lifestyle that benefit a minister of the gospel. All students who sign this handbook, agree to adhere to the following policies and procedures.

The vision of The Altar School includes raising up radically committed disciples who glorify God in their private and public lives. Therefore, in the training of an Altar School student, the daily spiritual walk is just as important as the classroom experience. Students must comply with all published regulations and disciplinary procedures. If there is any question as to whether an activity violates the intent of the guidelines, students should avoid the activity and consult The Altar School office for advice on the matter.

Students should avoid all activities that promote temptation to sin or that might place a student in a compromising position. The following is a partial list of activities The Altar School students are not permitted to engage in:

● Alcohol consumption
● Tobacco, vaping, marijuana use and any illegal drugs
● Gambling
● Sexual Immorality
● Engaging in or distributing inappropriate material that is sensual or otherwise dishonoring to God on social media.
● Social dancing that is sensual or otherwise dishonors God.
● Listening to music or watching entertainment that is filthy.

Students are expected to live above reproach at all times. The Altar School students seek to be imitators of God with the desire to “find out what pleases the Lord" (Ephesians 5:1-12). This standard governs our social life, relationships, and entertainment.


The Altar School regards personal holiness more important than dress and appearance. Nevertheless, as ambassadors of Christ, students should assure that clothing and appearance reflect modesty, neatness, cleanliness, appropriateness, and gender distinction, whether on or off campus.

Guidelines for Classes and Services:

● Clothing may be moderately casual but should avoid an overall appearance that is extremely casual, sloppy or distracting.
● Clothing with indecent messages, logos, or images is not permitted.
● No extreme body piercing.
● The Altar School has the right to require students to adhere to alternate dress code standards while in the classroom, serving, or on ministry trips, if deemed necessary.


Purity in Relationships
Student conduct should bring honor to God, enhance individual spiritual growth, and present a clear testimony to the world. It should not distract, offend, or create an uncomfortable atmosphere for others.

No physical displays of romantic affection by unmarried students are permitted during school or at Altar School services. Off-campus relationships should be blameless, demonstrating propriety and wisdom.

Students who are in relationships are encouraged to meet with Altar School leaders to discuss setting up healthy boundaries.

The Altar School believes that marriage, as ordained by God, is between a man and a woman. Sexual immorality, including fornication, adultery, and homosexual behavior, is not permitted.

Solicitation of speaking engagements is discouraged. (i.e. deliberate networking, self-promotion on social media using the Altar School/ The Altar Global etc.) If churches or groups want a student to minister to them, they should initiate contact with that student.

As stated in the initial application for acceptance, The Altar School students are encouraged to be an active member in a local church.

Any form of harassment by Altar School students, employees or volunteers is completely unacceptable. A partial list of unacceptable behavior includes:

● Profanity, obscenities, vulgar gestures, slander, public humiliation, threats.
● Sexual harassment of any kind, including requests for sexual favors, unwanted touching,
inappropriate or obscene remarks or text messages.
● Any harassment should be reported immediately to The Altar School Administration. If the
student fears an imminent threat to their safety, they should first contact the police.


The Altar School operates on a semester schedule, with two fourteen-week semesters per year. Classes meet from 6:30 pm to 9:00pm on both Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Students will be expected to serve in various settings to ensure they are learning to serve in a variety of environments.

Students will meet the practicum requirements in the following ways:

1. Attend and serve at The Altar School Serving Requirements - Specifics on Serving Requirements will be disclosed during Orenitation.
2. ALL Students should serve in their local church at least once per month.
3. Wear your Altar School t-shirt to all Altar School/ Altar Global events.

1. Online Students are welcome to serve at The Altar Global Conferences and Serving Opportunities. (These are not requirements)
2. Online students (that are a part of a church) are to serve in their local church once per month.
3. Wear your Altar School t-shirt to all Altar School/ Altar Global events you are volunteering in.

All students will submit their papers through their student portal. Students will receive a note on their portal that their book reports have been received. Book reports must be received within the allotted time given by the Instructor in order to be counted as complete. If for any reason you are not able to complete assignments by the given due date, we ask that you discuss this with the Instructor of your class prior to the due date. Book report assignments must be completed each semester for graduation eligibility.

Literature should not be distributed on campus or online without prior approval from school administration. On-campus and online fundraising or solicitation is not allowed, including collections for special events such as birthdays or weddings, without prior approval from school administration.

Laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices can only be used during class for class-related purposes and must have the sound turned off. Students may NOT bring audio recorders into The Altar School classrooms.

Students are expected to demonstrate a Christ-like attitude and lifestyle that reflects a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Each student should carefully read the policies and rules contained in this handbook. If a student's attitude, conduct, speech, or behavior fails to meet The Altar School’s standards, the following disciplinary procedures will apply:

First Violation:
● The student may be dismissed from class, with readmission to class to be determined by The Altar School in conjunction with any appropriate faculty members.
● The student will be required to meet with The Altar School Director to discuss accountability.
● A lack of improvement or failure to respond to correction may result in immediate dismissal.

Second Violation:
● The second violation of the policies and procedures listed in this handbook will result in immediate dismissal from The Altar School with no tuition reimbursement.
● Re-admission to The Altar School will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

***The Altar School reserves the right to dismiss any student who is unprepared to comply with Altar School discipline policies. Please consult the Dismissal section for additional information.***


The Altar School is committed to the principle that regular attendance and punctuality are essential to successful scholastic achievement, and spiritual growth.

Required Class Time
Graduation from The Altar School for in-person students is based upon completion of all course assignments, regular attendance, and participation in serving requirements. The Altar School’s attendance policy is as follows:

● Each In-Person student is required to sign in at the provided kiosk upon arriving to class. If a student must leave early for any reason, the student will also sign out of class at the kiosk.
● Tardy is considered being 20 or more minutes late.
● After being tardy twice, the student will receive an absence.
● Number of allowable absences is 3 per semester per class.

Tardiness and Absenteeism
Attendance is the student's responsibility. Each student is personally responsible for signing into each class. Students who are tardy or who leave class early are required to write the actual time they arrived or left alongside their initials on the attendance sheet.

Students who miss more than the maximum class time allowed due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., illnesses, emergencies) may be given special allowances, at the discretion of their Campus Admin. Students should contact their Campus Admin as soon as possible in such instances, to explain the reason for their absences.

Excessive absences which are not deemed to have resulted from extenuating circumstances will result in ineligibility of graduation. Students who do not complete assignments and course requirements will meet with The Altar School faculty to discuss options of repeating the course.

● Finish 1 full year of class consisting of a Fall and Spring semester
● Write 1 book report per class, per semester
● Miss no more than 3 classes per class, per semester
● Fulfill all required serving responsibilities per semester


All classes will be uploaded to the portal immediately after the class has ended. If the teacher elects to have notes to accompany the class, they will be uploaded prior to the beginning of class. We strongly recommend that you login to the chat feature on the portal so that you can create a community with the other online students and ask questions if there is Q&A time. Hybrid students will have access to the past classes for up to 2 weeks after the semester ends. Once 2 weeks have passed, all classes will be taken down from the portal.

The Altar School is committed to the principle that regular attendance and punctuality are essential to successful scholastic achievement, and spiritual growth. Hybrid students are responsible to keep track of attendance, and make sure all class content is viewed. Faculty will verify that all students have logged in and watched all classes. Students must watch all classes they have missed in-person before they go off either 2 weeks after semester OR before they can graduate.

● Finish 1 full year of class consisting of a Fall and Spring semester
● Write 1 book report per class, per semester
● Attended all classes via in-person or online
● Fulfill all required serving responsibilities per semester


All classes will be uploaded to the portal immediately after the class has ended. If the teacher elects to have notes to accompany the class, they will be uploaded prior to the beginning of class. We strongly recommend that you login to the chat feature on the portal so that you can create a community with the other online students and ask questions if there is Q&A time. Hybrid students will have access to the past classes for up to 2 weeks after the semester ends. Once 2 weeks have passed, all classes will be taken down from the portal.

The Altar School will appoint an online ambassador(s). Students will communicate with their online ambassador(s) about discussion groups, zoom calls, or online community related details. Any other Altar School related questions should be communicated with Altar School Staff (email: ph# 704-209-7085).

The Altar School is committed to the principle that regular attendance and punctuality are essential to successful scholastic achievement, and spiritual growth. Students are responsible to keep track of attendance, and make sure all class content is viewed. This includes students watching all classes they have missed via the class replays within the semester. Faculty will verify that all classes have been viewed in order to be eligible for graduation

● Finish 1 full year of class consisting of a Fall and Spring semester.
● Write 1 book report per class, per semester
● Attend all classes live or via the class replays.
Students who do not meet graduation requirements will be directed to meet with The Altar School faculty to discuss options of repeating the course.

Online students have the opportunity to attend an in-person class up to one time per semester, not including Preview Days. We encourage all online students to visit The Altar School headquarters to experience the community and to be ministered to in person.


Communication with the staff and faculty is necessary to remain apprised of important and time-sensitive information. Please check your email for updates at least once per week.

The Altar School Staff is available by phone throughout the week during business hours (8am-5pm) at the following # (704-209-7085). We request that all students make it a priority to communicate issues that may arise as soon as possible to allow staff to accommodate and help facilitate a solution for you in a timely manner.

We have created a private Facebook page for all Altar School students. Please “request to join” the group by clicking on this link
The page is primarily used for students to build community, share prayer requests and for The Altar School staff to share updates. However, our primary way to interact with students regarding classes and gatherings is via email. If you have any questions for The Altar School staff, please contact us at

The Altar School maintains the confidentiality of student records. Any student with a question about his or her records may schedule an appointment with The Altar School Office to access his or her personal file.

I agree to notify The Altar School regarding changes in my contact information, and acknowledge that I may be contacted by mail, email, telephone, voice mail or text by a staff member.

I, the undersigned, hereby consent to the use by The Altar School and those acting with permission and authority of Altar School, of all photographs, videotape, or other images or recordings that Altar School has taken of me or in which I may be included, for all purposes, in any and all media including the Internet, without limitation, including promotion, solicitation, advertising or trade.
I am fully aware that my likeness may appear in materials available to students, parents, faculty or staff of Altar School, and individuals outside of the Altar School community. I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished images or other content, including advertising copy or printed matter, in which they may be used.

I understand that any distribution of the images will be fully compliant with Altar School policies, statements and values. I release Altar School and those acting under their authority from any liability related to the alteration, intentional or otherwise, that may occur in connection with the processing, editing, transmission, display or publication of the images, and understand that images may be cropped or altered for purposes of illustration.

I understand that all images in which I participate, including film, photographic prints, digital files or video are the exclusive property of Altar School and I grant to Altar School the unrestricted right to copyright, publish and republish the images.

Application Fee:
